June 10, 2024

6 Alternatives to Prescriptions for ADHD

Have you or your child been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD? Are you worried about the potential side effects or the habit-forming properties of many prescriptions for ADHD?
6 Alternatives to Prescriptions for ADHD

Have you or your child been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD? Are you worried about the potential side effects or the habit-forming properties of many prescriptions for ADHD? Consider going the natural route! In many cases, a depletion of nutrients can contribute to ADHD symptoms such as trouble concentrating, being easily distracted, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. The good news is there are several alternatives to prescriptions for ADHD, as Dr. Easton explains, that you can give a try:

1. NCP NEURO Magnesium Blend

A depletion of magnesium can cause issues related to stress, focus, learning and memory. Kids commonly don’t get enough magnesium through diet alone as foods like greens, nuts and beans are loaded with magnesium but often not popular choices. Our NCP NEURO Magnesium Blend is made from magnesium l-threonate in the form of Magtein, a proprietary ingredient that was developed over a period of a decade at MIT. Magtein is effective at crossing the blood brain barrier and works by calming overactivity in the synapses of neurons. This supplement is also available in a powder form.

2. NeuroMag Plus

Just like NCP NEURO Magnesium Blend, NeuroMag Plus contains powerful Magtein that supplies highly bioavailable magnesium to the brain. This blend of non-habit forming ingredients also includes methylcobalamin (methylated B12), which is responsible for supporting cognitive function and helping with the healthy metabolization of energy. It also contains theacrine, a naturally occuring chemical that’s similar to caffeine. NeuroMag Plus is a great alternative to adults currently taking prescriptions for ADHD!

3. OptiOmega

Did you know that the human brain is made up of more than 60% fats? That’s why omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in brain health. A popular source of these fats is fish oil, which is the main ingredient OptiOmega. Made from MaxSimil monoglyceride fish oil, it has a three times greater EPA/DHA absorption rate than an equal dose of ethyl ester fish oil, the typical form of fish oil. This supplement comes in an easy-to-swallow small softgel.Omega Jr.

4. Ashwagandha

A herbal supplement known as Ashwagandha can be beneficial for children and adults alike. Ashwagandha targets serotonin levels which in turn can improve attention, focus and overall cognition. People with ADHD often experience nervous or anxious tendencies, something this supplement is known to help settle. Ashwagandha’s adaptogenic properties can reduce stress and anxiety, indirectly alleviating some ADHD symptoms.

5. Exercise or Get Outdoors

One alternative to prescriptions for ADHD is a simple lifestyle change to implement into your routine! Multiple studies have found that many children with ADHD benefit from exercise via helping with functioning and attention control. Physical activity has been shown to help with academic performance in a number of studies. In addition, consider spending more time outside. A nationwide survey found that children who participated in outdoor activities showed a reduction in their ADHD symptoms.

6. Change Up Your Diet

By altering your diet, you could see improvement in your ADHD symptoms. We recommend eating a high-protein diet that features more complex carbohydrates, like vegetables and fruits, and additional omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish and nuts. Stay away from sugar, specifically added sugars, which can contribute to hyperactivity, especially in children.

Consider giving these alternatives to prescriptions for ADHD a try. Learn more about a handful of additional supplements that can be beneficial for people with ADHD!